Monday, 27 February 2012

The temptations of quitting smoking

As running and smoking don’t really go together, I decided to quit. Smoking not running! Today I went out to buy my last pack of cigarettes. Here is the conversation between me and the guy who sells cigarettes at a small shop by the LSE.

Me: A ten Marlborough Lights please.
Him: Why not a 20?
Me: Well, I am trying to quit…
Him: Why m’am?
Me: Well, you know it’s healthier…
Him: Nooooooo m’am!!!! Everybody dies!!!
Me: But maybe one dies later, if one does not smoke?
Him (very convinced): Noooo m’am!!! My grandfather never ever smoked and he died very young. Very very young!
Me (with hope): Oh, so you are a smoker too?
Him: Nooooo m’am! Never smoked! But that does not matter! We all have to die sooner or later!
Me: I think I will stick to my 10…
Him: Please don’t quit! My boss will think I do not do a good job here – not selling enough merchandise…
Me: Always glad to help :)
Him: Thank you! Have a nice evening m’am! Enjoy your cigarettes!

Leaving the shop I had a good feeling as if I’ve done something really good today. What would that be?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well that's interesting, Roxy! Let's hope you won't go back to it again, and to motivate you, I am now one month smoke free. I feel great and don't miss it as much as before. Best of luck dear :)

    1. Oh Moe, you are right! It does feel a lot better, but sometimes you just miss it for a bit! however, i try to hang in there - as there is no way in the world I could run and smoke!!! I will keep thinking about you when I feel like having a ciggie:)
